How many ultrasound scans do u need during pregnancy?
Ultrasound is one of the common diagnoses to show up and check the development of the baby inside the womb. It is the most effective method to track the movement, development and treat accordingly the situation while pregnancy.
Most healthy women undergo three ultrasound diagnoses scans during her complete pregnancy period ideally after completion of every trimester but since ultrasound is the most effective, safest and most reliable test during the pregnancy hence if your lady doctor suggest one or more in addition to standard times this is only to investigate and assurance of healthy baby progress itself to avoid any further pregnancy complications.
Ideally, the First sonogram is advised in the first trimester to confirm the pregnancy and to estimate due date .
The second one is to schedule generally post completion of 18 weeks of pregnancy to confirm and monitor normal development and growth standards and the sex of the baby.
Third and the last one is to be suggested at the 7th month of pregnancy to monitor and examination of heartbeat, organ development, baby health and movement in the womb.
As long as these ultrasounds are normal and mom's abdomen measures consistent with her gestation.
In the complicated situation or any problems with these initial ultrasounds or if there is a discrepancy in the fetus size or development, movement, heartbeat, unwanted discharge or pain while any stage of pregnancy doctor advise for the repeat ultrasound to monitor and treat the issue within the time.
At the other hand, if a pregnant woman herself has medical issues like blood pressure, thyroid or diabetes than probably doctor suggest additional ultrasound on completion of every month and it totally depends upon the condition and development of the baby.
Additionally, if you are at doctors who are well equipped and latest one then they prefer to advise you for 3-D ultrasound to provide a clear developing showcase of the baby with photograph-quality details. Sometimes it also suggestive in case more complication happens during pregnancy and to detect facial abnormalities or neural tube defects.
While ultrasound you need not be worry as it is a very common diagnosis will likely be done on your abdomen. The technician will perform the test with a sonogram machine which has the monitor and one transductor to be gliding on your abdomen and belly area with the help of spreading gel. It does not feel you uncomfortable while examination.
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