Pregnancy Week – 29

So, you are in the final trimester now and it is most emotionally and physically challenging time for a to-be mom. Now you will know the true sense of pregnancy as your baby will get more and more active.

Pregnancy Week – 29
Pregnancy Week – 29

So, you are in the final trimester now and it is most emotionally and physically challenging time for a to-be mom. Now you will know the true sense of pregnancy as your baby will get more and more active. At this time, all you need to do is finalize all the details, stock your nursery and pack your bag for the hospital.


How big is your 29 week baby?


Your baby is more than a kg now say 1kg 200gms and around 38.6cm from head to heel. She is just the size of a butternut squash. The brain is getting new folds and grooves and becoming complex. Her bones have now started hardening with around 200mg deposit of calcium daily. Make sure you get your sufficient amount of calcium, vitamins and protein to offer complete nourishment to your baby.


Now your baby looks like a full-term baby. She is plump, smoother and paler because she is gaining fat now. She has eyelashes. The muscles are lungs are gaining maturity and it will increase your appetite.


Pregnancy belly week 29


Weight gain in 29 week is around 19 to 25 pounds. For women with twins, it is around 23 to 35 pounds. Your uterus is around 3.5 to 4 inches above your belly button. The amniotic fluid in the uterus is 9cm above the navel. The fundal height is 26 to 35 cm. So, all in all, your belly has grown bigger. You may be getting a lot of kicks now as your baby activity is consistent now. Baby should move at least 10 times in 2-3 hours.


Pregnancy symptoms week 29


Your breasts have grown bigger and now you need a nursing bra or a sports bra for yourself. You need a home environment for you and your baby. Some of the pregnancy symptoms which to-be moms experience are:


  • Faster growing nail because of change in hormones.


  • Constipation is quite common these days. It may lead to other problems such as gas, bloating and abdominal pain. Use laxative to get relief.


  • Varicose veins may develop on your legs. You can use compression stockings to minimize the symptoms.


  • Your belly may get itchy because of stretching thinner. Lotion up and keep yourself hydrated.


  • Mood swings are quite common.


  • Back, leg and hip pain: Soreness may cause pain. As your baby puts a lot of pressure on your organs, your joints, ligaments may feel pain.


  • Shortness of breath may occur from growing uterus. Try to rest and if it persists, then contact your doctor.


  • Frequent urination is normal as there is extra pressure on your bladder.


  • Haemorrhoids may be painful. If you have bleeding, then speak to your doctor. Include a lot of fiber in your diet.


  • Your belly button is sticking out now.


Pregnancy ultrasound week 29


Your baby is getting slightly cramped because of how fast she/ he is growing. You may get hiccups from your baby. The 29 week ultrasound reveals white fat deposits on your baby skin and a thin wall is forming around the child.


Pregnancy lifestyle week 29


At this stage, you need to eat a very healthy and balanced diet. Your baby is getting bigger and consuming calcium from your body. He needs it for nerves, muscles, heart and tooth development. Thus, you should consume enough of it or they may start taking it from your bones. Consume high doses of calcium, sardines, yoghurt, soy and almond milk, etc.


Drink a lot of water and do moderate exercising for at least half an hour for smooth bowel movement. Also eat a high fiber diet.


Pregnancy checklist week 29


  • Gently stretch your legs daily to get over leg cramping.


  • Load your food with calcium and potassium.


  • Sleep on your side


  • Slow down your activities