Right Time for Sex to get Pregnant

If you want to get pregnant faster, you might be interested in knowing when & how frequently to have sex, factors that can increase your chances of becoming pregnant.

Right Time for Sex to get Pregnant
When and how often to have sex to get pregnant

Every married couple wishes to have their own baby to complete their happy family. But all the married couples are not lucky in this scenario. When you’re trying to get pregnant, but recurrently fail, then sex is about more than just having fun. You want to do everything right in bed to boost your chances of conceiving. You might want to consider timing lovemaking with your partner on your most fertile days to maximize your chances of conception.

No methods have been proven to produce a definite pregnancy. Yet a few changes to the timing and frequency of your sexual intercourse might help in increasing your chances of getting pregnant.

How often should you have sex?

Frequent sex is the best way to conceive. So, to increase your chances of getting pregnant, try to have sex every 2 to 3 days. Studies have also shown that higher rates of conception are seen in couples who have sex every 1-2 days. Making love once a day or every other day during your fertile window will increase your odds of getting pregnant.

Right Time for Sex to get Pregnant

Ovulation and the best time to have sex

The most effective time to have sex to maximize your odds of conception is during your fertile window, which can last up to 6 days every month. These 6 days are the 5 days leading up to and the day of ovulation occurring when the body of female releases an egg from their ovary.

It can be difficult to know exactly when a woman is ovulating. The egg will survive for 12 to 24 hours after it releases from the ovary. Sperm can live for up to 7 days in a woman’s body. Even if you have sex days before ovulation you could still become pregnant. You are most likely to conceive if you have unprotected sex within a day or so of ovulation.


How to predict ovulation?

You can keep track of your ovulation on a calendar and even there are some medical tools which use physiological changes in female such as body temperature, cervical mucus, or hormone levels to track the signs of ovulation. Following are some procedures you might consider.

  1. Ovulation prediction kits

You can get to know when you are likely about to ovulate with the help of an ovulation prediction kit.

For this you just need to urinate on the test strips every morning, starting a few days before you think you will ovulate. The ovulation test strips detect luteinizing hormone (LH). It surges right before ovulation. Once you get a positive result, you should have sex that day and for the next few days.

  1. Cervical mucus changes

The secretion of fluid from your cervix changes at different times in your period cycle. It is noticed that four days before the ovulation, your fluid will become wet, slippery, and stretchy just like egg whites. Once you detect this, you will get to know that you are in your fertile period. As you start seeing these changes, you should begin having sex every day or every other day until ovulation.

  1. Utilizing fertility mobile apps

There are some useful ovulation tracking mobile apps available on the internet. One of the best pregnancy tracking and baby care mobile app is the care4cute mobile application, with the help of which you can easily track your ovulation cycle.

ovulation tracking mobile apps

  1. Basal body temperature

In general, your body temperature will rise when you ovulate and remain high until your next period. Measure your body temperature every morning before getting out of bed. In this, a basal body thermometer is more accurate to tell you the related temperature.

  1. Cycle length

Ovulation usually occurs 12 to 16 days before your next period. If you have regular periods, you may be able to predict when this is.